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How to Whitelist Food Safety Nation Emails
Whitelisting is quick and easy to do, and ensures that a sender’s email is added to your Address Book, Contact List or Safe Senders List with your email service provider. Simply open the email and verify that the message is from a trusted sender.
To signify that email messages from and Food Safety Nation are whitelisted and approved for delivery to your inbox, please read the instructions below. If you signed up to receive emails from Food Safety Nation and have not received any, make sure to check your spam folder for our email and identify it as not spam.
- Apple iCloud
- Android
- Outlook
- Gmail
- Yahoo!
- AOL Webmail
Apple iCloud
By default, Apple iCloud identifies spam, marks it as junk mail, and moves it to the Junk Mail folder. To whitelist an email in the Junk folder, open the email and look for the flag icon. Select “Mark as Not Junk.”
On an Android device, select and open the email message and touch the picture of the sender that displays before the message. Then select “Add to Contacts.”
When opening an email from a sender, look for “Click here to download pictures” in the header of the message. Click and select “Add Sender to Safe Senders List.” Depending on whether you’re using Mac or Windows, you can also right click on a Food Safety Nation email and select “Junk Mail” and “Mark as Not Junk” or right click on the email and select “Junk” and “Never block sender.” You’ll be presented with a message that the sender of the email has been added to your Safe Senders List. Select “OK.”
Gmail Webmail and Mobile
In Gmail webmail (on a laptop or desktop), to have Food Safety Nation emails appear in the “Primary” tab rather than “Social” or “Promotions” tabs, drag the email message to the “Primary” tab. Then you’ll be presented with “This conversation has been moved to Primary. Do this for all future messages from” Select “Yes.” On a mobile device, select the email and then look for a drop-down menu at the upper right of the main mail navigation. Then select “Move to” and then “Primary.” You can also get the email whitelisted by touching “Show images” and then “Always show images from sender.” This way, the images in approved emails will always display.
There are two ways to whitelist a Food Safety Nation email in Yahoo! Mail. The first way is to look in your Yahoo! Bulk folder, open our email, and click the “Not Spam” icon. The second way is by creating a filter. Select “Settings” and then “Filters” on the left side of the page. Once on the “Filters” page, select “Add.” Choose a word or phrase to enter in the “To” line (such as “Whitelist”) and select the condition you want the match to be made. Next, in the “From” line, leave the default “contains” text that’s in the field. Next to “contains,” add “” in the text box. Choose the folder to which you would like the message to be delivered, such as “Inbox.” Click “Save.”
AOL Webmail
To whitelist an email from Food Safety Nation, you should add “” as a contact in your Address Book. In the preview pane for emails, select the sender’s name in the “From” section and then select “Add Contact.”