Be a Guest Contributor on Food Safety Nation

We welcome guest contributors who can provide high-quality, educational content for Food Safety Nation’s community of restaurant professionals. Article submissions must be original works (unpublished anywhere else online or offline), and include content based on your professional expertise or personal experience. Food Safety Nation does not pay for contributed content.

Food Safety Nation is actively seeking article submissions from contributors who can write on the following topics as they relate to restaurants and the restaurant industry:

  • Food Safety
  • Crisis Management
  • Sustainability
  • Technology
  • Sanitation
  • Training
  • Regulations

Ongoing Contributors

  • 1 article every 4 weeks
  • Should commit to writing on a consistent basis over 6 to 12 months

Quarterly Contributors

  • Should submit 3 articles to be published within a quarter (January–March, April–June, July–September, October–December)

Special Feature Contributors

  • 1 article that may be published anytime

Once you are accepted as a contributor, we will support your work by sharing your article on Food Safety Nation and with our community on social media. We may also share it in our weekly Restaurant Report email communication. Food Safety Nation’s editorial team reserves the right to make changes to headlines and content to ensure the article is optimized for the site and editorially correct.

As a Food Safety Nation contributor, you agree to:

  • Provide original and unpublished content, and grant Food Safety Nation exclusive rights to the content for 12 months
  • Share a link to your Food Safety Nation article on your social media channels
  • Provide responses to comments on your article on our site for up to one week after publication
  • Avoid promotional links within the body text of the article
  • Food Safety Nation’s Terms of Use
  • Provide full disclosure of any client or partner relationships

Why Write for Food Safety Nation?

Writing for Food Safety Nation could help to build your professional reputation and position you as a thought leader and subject matter expert within a variety of disciplines related to the restaurant industry. We work with our contributors as a team, and as the site grows in its readership and subscribers, exposure for our contributors will grow as well.

Our Audience

Our audience is interested in actionable, educational content related to food safety and the restaurant industry. More specifically, our readers are restaurateurs — owners and managers of restaurants — as well as chefs, prep cooks, servers, bartenders, and many others who are looking for information to improve their knowledge of the industry as well as personal professional development.

Article Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines to submit an article for publication on Food Safety Nation.

Article Text: The main body text of articles should be a minimum of 600 words in length and submitted in Word doc format. Please let us know if you need to request a different format. To improve readability, please use sub-headings in your article, and write in short paragraphs. If you reference any research, studies, data or facts, please include a link to the primary resource. Please enclose all links within brackets rather than as hyperlinks within your article.

Bio: Your bio should be 60–70 words in length and include information about your professional credentials within the restaurant industry or related field. Please also include any links to your social media profiles, blog, company website, etc. Make sure to put any links within brackets. Note that this text should not be included in the overall word count of your article.

Headshot: Please submit a high-resolution square headshot sized 250 x 250 pixels in JPG format that can run alongside your byline and articles. No illustrated images, please. If you prefer to use your Gravatar image, please provide us with the email address connected with your Gravatar account.

Images: Food Safety Nation will provide the cover image for your article. You may provide any other high-resolution images needed to support your article in PNG or JPG format.

If you’re interested in becoming a Food Safety Nation contributor or if you have any questions, please contact us.

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