Dennis Keith

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Dennis Keith
With more than 25 years in the restaurant industry, Dennis is passionate about helping restaurant professionals improve their businesses, whether it be for food safety, training, sustainability, sourcing new technologies for restaurants or connecting service providers with restaurant operators. You can learn more about Dennis by connecting with him on LinkedIn.


Restaurant Walk In Cooler Food Safety Guide

Restaurant Walk In Cooler Food Safety Guide

One of the most important areas of the restaurant is the walk in cooler. It should be considered the heart of the kitchen since it’s the […]
Should Serving Undercooked Burgers Still Be a Thing?

Should Serving Undercooked Burgers Still Be a Thing?

Swedish authorities announced they will be reviewing the controls local restaurants have on undercooked beef used for burgers. Recent research showed that half of the restaurants […]
What Restaurant Employee Hygiene Means to Your Business

What Restaurant Employee Hygiene Means to Your Business

“Our server,” my daughter muttered, “looks dirty.” It was Sunday just before noon and we were at a popular downtown eatery in Salt Lake City for […]
10 Ways to Incorporate Restaurant Food Safety into Your QA Program

10 Ways to Incorporate Restaurant Food Safety into Your QA Program

Restaurant owners and managers sometimes focus more on quality assurance (QA) than food safety. Evidence of this is increasingly found in news stories about restaurants that […]
Temperature Abuse: Tales from the Dirty Kitchen

Temperature Abuse: Tales from the Dirty Kitchen

Temperature abuse is one of the most common problems in restaurant food safety. A recent outbreak at Chipotle has brought this issue to attention. This happens […]
Use a HACCP Plan for Uncooked Menu Items

Use a HACCP Plan for Uncooked Menu Items

Implementing a HACCP plan in your restaurant can help you avoid outbreaks from uncooked menu items. In the last few years, there have been large outbreaks […]
Temperature Data Log Options Pros and Cons

Temperature Data Log Options Pros and Cons

A temperature data log is very important for a restaurant. Policies and procedures should be in place ensuring that employees are logging food temperatures multiple times […]
Is Your Food Coming from Certified Bulk Food Suppliers and Bulk Food Distributors?

Is Your Food Coming from Certified Bulk Food Suppliers and Bulk Food Distributors?

If your restaurant uses bulk food suppliers and bulk food distributors, you should require them to be certified to ensure a safe supply chain for your […]
Restaurant Crisis Management: Are You Prepared for an Imminent Health Hazard?

Restaurant Crisis Management: Are You Prepared for an Imminent Health Hazard?

Restaurant crisis management is a critical strategy to have in place in the event that a crisis threatens your restaurant, staff and customers. Many restaurant owners […]

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